Appel de conférences du « Midwest Graduate Music Consortium », University of Iowa, 6-7 avril 2024.
« The 28th annual meeting of the Midwest Graduate Music Consortium (MGMC) will be hosted by the University of Iowa on April 6-7, 2024. This conference will feature paper presentations, a new music concert by the University of Iowa New Music Center, and a keynote address by Dr. Eric Saylor, Professor of Musicology at Drake University.
MGMC is a joint venture organized by graduate students from the University of Chicago, the University of Iowa, Northwestern University, and the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. This year’s conference theme, “Global and Local,” is meant to encourage discussion of the complex relationships between people, music, place, and the dissemination of ideas. How do locations shape musical practices? How have the shifting dimensions of the global and local world influenced musical study, both historically and in the present day? What unique perspectives can either a global or local perspective offer?
Part of this year’s conference is graciously funded by the University of Iowa School of Music’s Hank Feir Excellence in Music Fund. »
Date limite de soumission (extension) : 7 février 2024.