Appel à contributions – « Problematic” Punk. NOFX’s Forty Years of Punk Provocations » – 1 janvier 2024

Appel à contributions (chapitres) pour le projet Problematic” Punk. NOFX’s Forty Years of Punk Provocations, sous la dir. d’Ellen Bernhard, Stefano Morello et David Pearson.

« We invite potential contributors (including but not limited to academics, journalists, and independent researchers) to submit proposals for essays for an edited collection, tentatively titled “Problematic” Punk: NOFX’s Forty Years of Punk Provocations, on any of the below topics or other ideas pertaining to NOFX. We are especially interested in contributions that analyze the more “problematic” aspects of NOFX without condemning the band for violating purported standards of political or DIY purity, and yes, we mean that as a critique of the way “problematic” often gets used as a moral rather than philosophical term. Critiques, including strong ones, are of course welcome, and we have plenty of our own, but we also recognize that the aesthetics of provocation employed by NOFX has been a part of punk from its inception, for better and worse. We hope that this book can add to the growing body of literature that has moved punk scholarship beyond purity narratives, nostalgia for a perfect past that never was, and 1977–83. »

Date limite de soumission : 1er janvier 2024.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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