Appel de conférences – « AMS/SMT After Dark » – 24 octobre 2023

Appel de conférences pour le « AMS/SMT After Dark », AMS/SMT Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, 9 novembre 2023.

« The name “*musicology” & the adjective “musicological” are as emblematic of the supra-intellectual as they are of the tragic. (*Because this is a JOINT conference, we mean the groovy German concept of Musikwissenschaft, wherein cultural/historical studies of music harmoniously coexist with analytical theory—unfettered by the burden of, like, specific disciplinary labels, man.) Such concepts haunt our academic/personal lives & have prompted countless discussions in graduate admissions interviews, esoteric seminars, peer-reviewed journal articles, social media posts, & especially in our own internal monologues as we attempt to grapple with our respective existential crises while maintaining STONY, utterly unapproachable professional personae.

 As we ASCEND on our pilgrimage to the great musicological SUMMIT beside the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains this year, the After Dark Committee asks us to ponder PEAK musicological humor: What is HIGH musicological art? Does it imitate HIGH life, or vice versa? Preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate RANGE &/or ELEVATE our craft to abstractions of ALTITUDE broadly construed. »

Date limite de soumission : 24 octobre 2023.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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