Journée d’étude – « Orchestras of Afghanistan » – 8 septembre 2023

Journée d’étude « Orchestras of Afghanistan », Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik, Francfort, et en ligne, 8 septembre 2023.

« In this first conference to focus exclusively on the orchestral music and musicians of Afghanistan, the Orchestras of Afghanistan Research Stakeholders’ Group offer a window into their research to date, opening up a conversation about the future of Afghanistan’s orchestral traditions and raising awareness about the deteriorating situation for the country’s musicians today.

The Orchestras of Afghanistan Research Stakeholders’ Group (RSG) was formed in April 2021 of nine music scholars and music practitioners from Afghanistan now living in exile, and three advisory members. The RSG works in collaboration with Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow, Dr Cayenna Ponchione-Bailey, at the University of Sheffield in the UK. The group has played a crucial role in identifying research priorities and devising and leading on individual and collaborative research strands. The group is currently working collectively to write and edit a book about the historic and contemporary practices of Afghanistan’s orchestras. »

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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