Appel de conférences – « Music Theory Pedagogy in the Digital Age » – 1 septembre 2023

Appel de conférences (« Lightning Talks ») sur le thème « Music Theory Pedagogy in the Digital Age », Réunion annuelle conjointe AMS-SMT, Denver, 9-12 novembre 2023.

« The Music Informatics and Music Theory Pedagogy interest groups will host a joint, in-person meeting at SMT’s 2023 conference devoted to the theme, “Music Theory Pedagogy in the Digital Age.” To that end, we invite short proposals for lightning talks of ongoing research that consider how such topics as open-source publication, representation in music theory, or the rise of AI might impact music theory pedagogy in the years ahead.

Please submit a 100-word proposal to david.sears -at- by 11:59 PM (AoE) on Friday, September 1. Accepted proposers will be notified by Friday, September 8.»

Date limite de soumission : 1 septembre 2023.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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