Nouvelle parution – Music, A Connected Art / Die Illusion der absoluten Musik

Vient de paraître : Music, A Connected Art / Die Illusion der absoluten Musik. A Festschrift for Jürgen Thym on His 80th Birthday, sous la dir. d’Ulrich J. Blomann, David B. Levy, Ralph P. Locke et Frieder Reininghaus, Sammlung Musikwissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen, vol. 103, Baden-Baden, Verlag Valentin Koerner, 2023, 368 pages.

« These twenty-eight essays in the fields of musicology, music theory, and music pedagogy offer an overview of current scholarly approaches to the study of music and musical life. The spectrum ranges from from the earliest origins of music-making to concerns for what music will be in the future. The essays treat, in exemplary fashion, such topics as the impact of technology on music and musical life, changes in how music is performed and transmitted through the electronic media, and new approaches to the pedagogy of music history. Songs are a recurring point of attention, including the relation-ship of poetry and music in Schubert’s lieder but also songs of later composers that convey simplicity in new ways—and the special magic of Broadway musicals. Contributions that focus on broad themes find echoes in other contributions that explore specific themes in detail. »

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