Appel à contributions – « SEM Sounding Board Virtual Exhibition 2023 » – 7 juillet 2023

Appel à contributions pour la « SEM Sounding Board Virtual Exhibition 2023 ».

« The SEM Sounding Board, an annual curated collection of field recordings and sound pieces organized by the SEM Sound Studies Section warmly invites contributions for this year’s annual meeting. This year’s theme is “Sound, Time, and Memory.” Taking this triad as the main axes for this year’s edition, how sound art and installations serve as a means to work on the frontiers between past and present? How can we conceptualize artistic expressions focused on sound as a form of artistic expression, as a living archive of sound and memory? »

Date limite de soumission : 7 juillet 2023.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
© 2025 OICRM / Tous droits réservés