Appel de conférences – « Resonances. Exploring Global Music Histories Across Cultures » – 15 août 2023

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Resonances. Exploring Global Music Histories Across Cultures », Univ. of Santo Tomas, Manila et en ligne, 3-4 novembre 2023.

« This second conference of the IMS Study Group “Global History of Music” aims to investigate the many ways in which the emerging field of global music history can approach, engage, and interpret “resonances” across cultures. Looking at questions of social interconnectedness, technological advances, travel and mobility, and imbalances of power, we invite papers that explore how sounds from diverse cultures resonate both locally and in global circulation. Keeping in mind Thomas Turino’s distinction between “depth” and “breadth” in globalist discourse (2003)—and his proposed categories of “immigrant communities,” “diasporas,” and “cosmopolitan formations”—we ask how sounds are adapted and adopted in new environments. How do resonating bodies act and interact in the processes of transculturation and hybridity? How do humans and non-humans resonate in the soundscape or in acoustemological contexts, and how can the notion of resonance be interpreted by scholars of global music history? How do travel and mobility, or longstanding local residence, impact on the ideas and practices of resonating bodies (variously human, material, or metaphysical)? »

Date limite de soumission : 15 août 2023.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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