Appel à contributions – Sacred Contexts in Secular Music of the Long Nineteenth Century – 15 octobre 2020

Appel à contributions pour le volume intitulé Sacred Contexts in Secular Music of the Long Nineteenth Century, dirigé par Markus Rathey et Effie Papanikolaou.

« The Society for Christian Scholarship in Music is inviting the submission of abstracts for essays to be included in an edited scholarly volume titled Sacred Contexts in Secular Music of the Long Nineteenth Century. Whereas tropes of cross-fertilization of the sacred and the secular are evident in a variety of repertories and genres from the western art tradition, and have been the focus of specialized studies, this volume aims to address instances where religious contexts (of diverse traditions) have influenced secular compositions of the long nineteenth century. Religious features may not be limited to those of Christian traditions only or of sacred music per se; in fact, studies that emphasize the inclusion of or allusion to non-Christian religious elements in secular music are particularly welcome. This project provides timely musical and ideological intersections by engaging with genres, narratives, religions, and ideologies that have traditionally been left out of similar studies of western art music. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 octobre 2020.

Pour plus de détails, voir l’appel en ligne.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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