Appel de conférences – « Authenticity, Hybridization, Transculturation » – 7 mai 2023

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Authenticity, Hybridization, Transculturation. Intersections and Discourses in Ibero-American Music », IV MUSAM/SEdeM Conference, Université d’Oviedo, Espagne, 26-28 octobre 2023.

« Ibero-American music is the result of multiple crossroads, exchanges, and appropriations as a consequence of massive migration processes in, from, and towards the American continent throughout its history. The resulting deterritorialization, fragmentation, reterritorialization, and production of new sound practices shape a complex and multidimensional disciplinary object conditioned not only by globalizing technological innovations but also by new forms of sensitivity and reception. The ideal categories of authenticity, hybridization, and transculturation—understood as identity, aesthetic, and political rhetoric, as well as discursive spaces for negotiation between the foreign and the familiar—have thus articulated historical intersections and historiographical discourses that need to be critically revisited. This conference encourages the study of Ibero-American music through the lens of a double discourse that includes both the expression of the sonic crossings, encounters, and hybridizations in the past, and well as the narratives that seek to explain or subsume Ibero-American music within ideological-cultural projects over time. From this perspective, we welcome proposals relating to individual or group discourses, their sociocultural components and connections, as well as the interpretations and resignifications proposed or imposed by institutions, spaces of cultural power, historiography, and criticism, among others. »

Date limite de soumission : 7 mai 2023.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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