Appel de conférences – « Sung intoxication. Drinking songs from antiquity to the present » – 20 mars 2023

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Sung intoxication. Drinking songs from antiquity to the present », University de Siegen, Allemagne, 23-25 mai 2024.

« The interdisciplinary and international conference aims at exploring the phenomenon of the drinking song from a variety of perspectives––especially from the fields of musicology (including ethnomusicology and popular music studies), literature and cultural studies. Thus, on the one hand, our concern is to make music audible as an important component of drinking culture(s) in interdisciplinary discourse, and on the other hand, to deal with a topic for the subject of musicology in which musical and social structures are particularly closely related to each other and which is therefore suitable to stimulate joint reflection among established sub-disciplines in the field, such as historical musicology and the sociology of music. »

Date limite de soumission : 20 mars 2023.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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