Appel à contributions – Die Musikforschung – 31 mars 2023

Appel à contributions de la revue Die Musikforschung, sous la dir. d’Annette van Dyck-Hemming et Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt/M.).

«  In 2022 and 2023, the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung and its journal “Die Musikforschung” celebrate their 75th anniversaries. The GfM is taking this as an opportunity to publish two thematic issues on the history of musicology. While the first (3/2023) is dedicated to the history of the GfM and “Die Musikforschung” in the narrower sense, the second (4/2023) will take a somewhat broader and also international look at musicological societies and journals. We hereby invite the submission of articles in German or English of 40,000-60,000 characters devoted to a related topic.

Synchronic as well as diachronic approaches are equally welcome, e.g. descriptions of historical developments as well as comparative analyses of institutional-organizational, content-related or conceptual aspects. Which forms of musicological societies are found when and where, and how are they related to the respective political systems and social conditions? How do national and more thematically oriented societies (and their respective journals) relate to each other? Do the national society journals each represent something like the « spearhead » of musicology of their time, or do the innovations and paradigm shifts happen elsewhere? What self-view of musicological societies can be found? What role do they play in internal debates about the future of the discipline, as well as in public discussions about music? How are journals addressing the present challenges of digitization?

If you are interested in contributing, please send us an email with a working title and a short abstract by the end of March to: fachgeschichte_muwi -at- You can also send inquiries in advance to this address. We will then inform you about the decision of the editorial board in the course of April. »

Date limite de soumission : 31 mars 2023 (proposition); 1er août 2023 (article).

ISSN : 2368-7061
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