Appel de conférences – « Sounds of War (Music and Sound Studies & War Networks) » – 5 mars 2023

Appel de conférences pour le 47e colloque annuel de la German Studies Association, « Sounds of War (Music and Sound Studies & War Networks) », German Studies Association, Montreal, 5-8 octobre 2023.

« We invite proposals for an interdisciplinary seminar on the Sounds of War at the 2023 German Studies Association. War is probably the loudest human activity, especially since the advent of gunpowder and other modern weapons. From the whistling of bullets, the kabooms of shells and the screams and shouts of battle to the cadences of patriotic songs and other music, war exists as an immersive sonic experience. Sponsored by the German Studies Association’s Sound Studies and the War and Violence Networks, this seminar will explore the relationships between sound and war as a way to understand violence better and to expand our concept of sound. The seminar will consider the multitude of sounds and music that has promoted, opposed, waged, and commemorated war since the the Middle Ages. How can various disciplines work together to develop a shared framework for analyzing music, sound, and conflict? Combining our networks’ diverse approaches to sources, methods, theory, and subject matter, this seminar has the potential to illuminate shared questions in exciting new ways. »

Date imite de soumission : 5 mars 2023.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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