Appel de conférences – « Radigue at 90 – Contemporary Music Review Journal Release and Symposium » – 10 février 2023

Appel de conférences pour « Radigue at 90 – Contemporary Music Review Journal Release and Symposium », Columbia Global Center, Paris, France, 24-25 mai 2023.

« For over 60 years, the prolific French composer Éliane Radigue has remained unflinchingly dedicated to crafting her own artistic voice, operating largely outside of official and institutional channels. Her extensive creative output spans the worlds of sound art, concert music, and recorded media. Beginning with her early electronic music created at the Studio d’Essai through to her recent practice of creating unscored collaborative works with internationally-renowned soloists and ensembles, Radigue has remained tirelessly dedicated to the monumental task of exploring the impalpable aspects of sonority.

In 2023, Contemporary Music Review will release a special issue celebrating Radigue’s extraordinary career and output of creative works. To supplement this issue, we are pleased to announce a two-day symposium at Columbia’s Global Center in Paris that will feature papers published in that journal, concert performances by Radigue collaborators, as well as new scholarship in the field.

Artists and scholars are invited to submit proposals for papers of 20-30 minutes in duration. We would particularly welcome proposals that address the following themes in regards to Radigue’s music: collaboration, authorship, embodiment, performativity, listening, and rupture, though all proposals will be considered. We welcome cross-disciplinary scholarship from music and other fields, as well as proposals for scholarship outside of traditional academic disciplines. »

Date limite de soumission : 10 février 2023.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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