Appel à candidatures pour le prix annuel de thèses doctorales de l’International Musicological Society (IMS).
« The IMS is delighted to announce the IMS Outstanding Dissertation Award 2023 (IMSODA2023). Scholars who have completed their doctoral dissertation in the field of music in 2020 and 2021 are eligible to apply (scholars who have completed their doctoral dissertation in 2022 and 2023 will be eligible to apply for IMSODA2024). Dissertations may be written in any language. The award, which includes a cash prize, is overseen by an international committee led by members of the IMS Directorium.
Applicants must be members of the IMS (click here to join or renew your membership). »
Date limite de soumission : 15 février 2023.
Formulaire de soumission : cliquez ici.