Webinaire – « The Othered Others. Marginalized Identities in Jewish Music Studies » – 10 juillet 2020

Webinaire, « The Othered Others. Marginalized Identities in Jewish Music Studies », Jewish Studies & Music (groupe d’études de l’AMS), 10 juillet 2020, via Zoom.

« Issues of authenticity and ownership of music and scholarly discourse related to music have been subject of a continuing conversation in musicology, particularly concerning the outsiders’ authority to research and discuss the music of a community to which they do not belong. On a broad scale, these concerns have dominated American cultural dialogue in many ways, especially within the last decade: how can we contextualize and conceptualize authority when men speak about(and often for or over) women, white people speak over Black people, heterosexual/cisgender lawmakers make decisions for LGBTQ people, so on and so forth? These questions are likewise found in discussions about music, specifically as related to cases of white artists appropriating and profiting from music of the African diaspora, and in the academy, with white scholars writing about music of Black people, often at the expense of Black scholars. Fewer conversations, however, have been held within musicological community questioning how various identities—Jewish and non-Jewish—interact with and intersect within Jewish Studies in Music. »

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