Appel de conférences – « The Harpsichord in the 16th century » – 30 septembre 2020

Appel de conférences pour le colloque international « “Universum rei harmonicae concentum absolvunt“. Das Cembalo im 16. Jahrhundert / The Harpsichord in the 16th century », Vienne, 20-22 avril 2021.

« Plucked keyboard instruments and their repertoire between 1500 and 1600 have in recent times attracted increased interest by scholars and performers alike. However, much of the performance and research activities have been limited to specific repertoires and to individual performer/researchers and isolated groups in various countries. A more comprehensive perspective remains yet to be established. This conference aims to bring together interested scholars, performers and instrument makers/restorers to further the exploration of the repertoire and its appropriate instruments. The three days will include papers (30 minutes), lecture recitals (45 minutes), and workshops. The conference languages will be German and English. We particularly encourage proposals on style, repertoire, and performance practice, as well as organology and (the history of) instrument building, the dissemination, musical function, and cultural significance of plucked keyboard instruments. »

Date limite de soumission : 30 septembre 2020.

Pour plus de détails, voir l’appel de conférences en ligne.

Image : Wikimedia Commons.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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