Appel de conférences – « Columbia Music Scholarship Conference » – 4 mars 2022

Appel de conférences pour la Columbia Music Scholarship Conference 2022 : « Body. Time. Technology », en ligne, 23 avril 2022

« We seek papers, performances, and projects of any medium which engage with this theme, broadly interpreted. The conference aims to reconsider the relationship between performance and temporality throughout history, particularly as mediated by modes of knowledge and scientific innovations. Submissions may engage with any or all of the three terms, and we especially encourage those which are informed by methodologies such as Critical Race Theory, postcolonialism, and LGBTQIA+ studies. We welcome scholars from any discipline, including but not limited to music. The conference is also open to all participants both from within and outside academia, although we specifically encourage submissions from graduate students and early-career researchers. »

Date limite de soumission : 4 mars 2022

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici

ISSN : 2368-7061
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