Appel de conférences – « Racial Positionality in Whiteness Studies Roundtable » – 27 janvier 2022

Appel de conférences pour la « Racial Positionality in Whiteness Studies Roundtable », au sein du congrès AMS/SMT/SEM 2022, Nouvelle-Orléans, 10-13 novembre 2022

« His roundtable asks participants to reflect on these issues in the context of their own research in order to develop a more precise understanding of the relationship between racial identity, research methodology, and the study of whiteness in music studies. While such issues may perhaps be most apparent for ethnographers given their use of their racialized selves as the primary tools of research, the roundtable invites participation from music historians and theorists since these modalities as well can just as easily be shaped by the racial positionality of the researcher. How, for example, what does it mean to be a nonwhite historian of musical cultures iconic of whiteness? How does this fact shape the experience of archival work and perhaps one’s interpretive lens with respect to the historical narrative assembled in the process? For theorists, what influence does one’s own personal history as a racialized subject—as we all are in some way—shape the analytical approach one develops in their study of musical cultures of whiteness ? »

Date limite de soumission : 27 janvier 2022

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici

Image : Brooke Cagle sur Unsplash

ISSN : 2368-7061
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