Appel de conférences – « Indiana University Symposium of Research in Music » – 16 janvier 2022

Appel de conférences pour le symposium « Indiana University Symposium of Research in Music », Indiana University Bloomington, 25-26 mars 2022.

« For twenty-eight years, the Graduate Theory Association holds a symposium for graduate students at Jacobs during the spring semester. For the last two years, we have partnered with our Musicology colleagues to increase the symposium’s diversity and impact in the graduate population. The symposium always engages graduate students from IU, invited graduate students from US and Canada, IU professors, and the invited keynote speaker in lively debate about music scholarship. Graduate students can participate in a workshop with the keynote speaker (an invited scholar chosen by the student body), engage and lead discussions on roundtables, and either present their scholarship or learn about their peer’s current projects. Furthermore, the symposium has three presentations from scholars, one from the keynote speaker, and two from IU faculty. This year, the invited keynote speaker will be Prof. Catherine Coppola from the Hunter College and the in-house speakers will be Prof. Michèle Duguay (Music Theory) and Prof. Sergio Ospina Romero (Musicology). »

Date limite de soumission : 16 janvier 2022.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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