Appel à contributions – Rencontre annuelle du Ludomusicology Study Group, American Musicological Society – 21 juin 2020

Appel à contributions pour la rencontre annuelle du Ludomusicology Study Group de l’American Musicological Society, Minneapolis, 5-8 novembre 2020.

« The AMS Ludomusicology Study Group will host a hybrid interactive poster session and lightning talk panel at AMS/SMT Minneapolis 2020. All AMS or SMT members, regardless of familiarity with (or previous research of) video games, are welcome to submit and assist us in broadening the scope of game music studies. This year, we are creating two mini sessions: a series of lightning talks followed by a multimedia ‘poster’ session that can include nontraditional-format presentations, posters, and other interactive demonstrations.

Our focus this year is on female and non-binary [womxn] characters and creators (to include composers, sound designers, visual designers, narrative designers, etc.) We welcome proposals for 8-minute lightning talks or multimedia ‘posters’ on topics including but not limited to:

  • Case studies of video game soundtracks composed or compiled by womxn artists,
  • Analyses of representation of womxn characters or avatars in video games,
  • Analyses of representation of womxn artists or creators in the video game industry,
  • Examinations of feminine features in video games, such as the female voice.

In your submission, include your preference for a lightning talk or a multimedia format, and your technological requirements. Please note that assistance in providing specialized hardware or software beyond the usual conference equipment is not guaranteed. If the conference is held online in November, we will do everything we can to stream or otherwise share your content. »

Date limite de soumission : 21 juin 2020 ; envoyer un résumé de 200 mots sous forme de document Word ou PDF à gamemusicstudies[a] Dans le corps de l’e-mail, inclure votre nom complet tel qu’il apparaîtra dans le programme et votre affiliation institutionnelle, le cas échéant. Ne pas inclure d’informations d’identification dans la soumission elle-même.

Avis d’acceptation : 1er juillet 2020.

Image : Pixabay.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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