Appel de conférences – « Counterframing Music Theory. Minorities and Marginalities » – 15 juillet 2020

Appel de conférences pour le symposium « Counterframing Music Theory. Minorities and Marginalities » organisé par les groupes d’intérêt Analysis of World Music et Global Interculturalism and Musical Peripheries, SMT 2020, Minneapolis, 5-8 novembre 2020.

« Building on the momentum of the powerful papers on race and ethnicity by Yayoi Uno Everett and Philip Ewell in the SMT 2019 Plenary Session, this symposium seeks to envoice myriad scholars in various career stages who were represented by the papers in that plenary, but who themselves were not heard. “Counterframing Music Theory” will enrich and amplify the message of the 2019 Plenary by giving space to music theories and theorists of minoritized cultures, illuminating musical and social paradigms that are otherwise obfuscated, overshadowed, or oppressed by what Ewell has called music theory’s “white racial frame” and, following Everett, by “counterframing” how music theory is currently practiced and represented. Everett and Ewell will serve as respondents to the papers presented at this session. » 

Date de soumission : 15 juillet 2020

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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