Distinctions – « The Claude V. Palisca Award » – 31 janvier 2022

Appel à candidatures pour « The Claude V. Palisca Award »

« The Claude V. Palisca Award honors each year a scholarly edition or translation in the field of musicology published during the previous year in any language and in any country by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States, deemed by a committee of scholars to best exemplify the highest qualities of originality, interpretation, logic and clarity of thought, and communication. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book. Three categories of musicological works are eligible for the Palisca award: translations into English of musicologically significant texts; editions of music; or editions of musicologically significant texts. »

Date limite de soumission : 31 janvier 2022.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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