Appel de conférences – « Theorizing African American Music » – 10 décembre 2021

Appel de conférence pour le colloque « Theorizing African American Music », Case Western Reserve University, 16-18 juin 2022

« ‘Theorizing African American Music’ highlights African American perspectives on music and music theory, perspectives that have historically been marginalized in the academic study of music in the United States. Because American music theory is deeply rooted in whiteness, African Americans have had virtually no agency in shaping how music theory, as a subdiscipline, is taught or how musical genres that are deeply rooted in African Americanism are presented. We intend to provide a new platform for all scholars interested in the theory and analysis of African American music. »

Date limite de soumission : 10 décembre 2021

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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