Appel à contribution de la revue SEM Student News pour le vol. 17, no 1 (printemps-été 2021), « Music & Faith ».
« While there are many resources that explore the powerful and important interactions between music and religious practice, we seek to open up this issue to expressions of faith and faith-based practice that occur both within and outside of religious contexts, encompassing a broad field of investment, belief, meditation/mindfulness and ethics. Possible topics for submissions include:
- Music-making as a practice of embodied faith in self, other, shared community, philosophy or higher power;
- Faith in structures, collaborators, mentors and fields of study;
- Faith in/trust of academia, students and teaching strategies;
- Defining and circumscribing musical expression in religious/faith-based practice;
- Dynamics between faith communities and music;
- Faithfulness in musical reproduction/performance. »
Date limite de soumission : 25 juin 2021.
Pour plus d’informations, consultez la page Facebook de la revue.
Image : WolfWolfWolf sur Pixabay.