Nouvelle parution – Music & Letters, vol. 105, no 1

Vient de paraître : Music & Letters, vol. 105, no 1.

Rédaction en chef : Benedict Taylor et al.

Au sommaire :

  • Mattias Lundberg, « The World of Sound as a Prison-house. The Ideal and the Actual levels of Music in the Writings of Huldrych Zwingli »
  • Leendert Van der Miesen, « Tunes, Tapestries, and Galley. Songs at the Docks in Seventeenth-Century Marseille »
  • Kirsten Gibson and Roz Southey, « Musical Taste and the Domestic Music Market in Two Late-Georgian Binder’s Volumes from the North-East of England »
  • Et plus encore

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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