Vol. 10 nº 1, juin 2023
This article is about the use of phonograph records (and associated technologies, such as the jukebox or turntable) as objects of narrative interconnection in a corpus of low-budget American films of the 1940s. Records, as we shall see, often function in these films as tokens of interconnection which cross the boundaries of gender and race in ways both stereotypical and unexpected. The spinning record, in films of this period, very often served to initiate a film’s movement between spaces whose relationship to each other might be one of intimate familiarity or of radical social alterity. Across several films, as I hope to show, records play pivotal roles in the staging and differentiation of identities. Even in the fictional worlds dominated by men in these films, it is very often women who select, handle, and play records. As objects that sometimes trigger entry into filmic spaces disconnected from those of a film’s main narrative, records can authorize glimpses of racialized populations who otherwise play no role in a film’s dramatic action.
Vol. 8 nº 1, juin 2021
Premier ouvrage de la musicologue américaine Sonja Lynn Downing, Gamelan Girls. Gender, Childhood, and Politics in Balinese Music Ensembles est l’une des rares études à s’intéresser à la situation des femmes dans la vie musicale balinaise. Plus précisément, l’autrice y documente l’émergence d’orchestres de gamelan féminins et de musiciennes professionnelles à Bali. Si la littérature sur les arts performatifs indonésiens abonde, la plupart des publications sur la musique ont tenté de contextualiser le gamelan selon ses fonctions socioculturelles, à en analyser les structures musicales sous-jacentes ou à en étudier les changements depuis le contact avec les Européens.
ISSN : 2368-7061
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