• Vol. 4 nº 1, mai 2017

    Le parcours de formation des étudiants en musique de niveau collégial et universitaire comprend diverses activités de reconnaissance auditive destinées à développer leurs capacités perceptives et à améliorer leur compréhension du langage musical. Traditionnellement, les intervalles harmoniques figurent parmi les premiers éléments musicaux à être abordés, parce qu’ils constituent des notions théoriques élémentaires et qu’ils préparent à l’étude de l’harmonie (Balzano et Liesh 1982 ; Loh 2007 ; Ponsati et al. 2016 ; Samplaski 2005).

  • Vol. 4 nº 1, mai 2017

    Aural skills (AS) are part of the training of most musicians. While some begin their study at college level, many children learn it in one-on-one settings, during their instrumental music lessons. AS is an efficient way to develop musicianship (Karpinski 2000) and is also linked to enhanced results in instrumental performance (Rogers 2013), composition (ibid.), and instrumental sight-reading (Mishra 2014). Unfortunately, those desirous to pursue their musical learning in college often face difficulties that probably come from a lack of precollegial training (Anderman 2011; Hedges 1999; Powell 2013). For example, in Cégep Saint-Laurent, a college in Quebec, 45% of students enrolled for autumn trimester in 2011, 2012, and 2013 were ranked in the weakest courses in AS, and 24% of those students considered as weak failed their first semester (Fournier 2015). Consequently, there seems to be a need for a better training for young learners. Perhaps the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) could be a way to better support their learning process.

  • ISSN : 2368-7061
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