Appel de conférences – « Narrating Musicology » – 1er février 2021

Appel de conférences pour le colloque international « Narrating Musicology. Reviewing the History/Histories of Musicology », Université de Berne, 5-8 septembre 2021.

« In November 1996, a musicological colloquium was held at the University of Bern under the title Musikwissenschaft – eine verspätete Disziplin? (‘Musicology – a Delayed Discipline?’). The discussions and outcomes that took place were then published four years later in an anthology of the same title, edited by Anselm Gerhard. The aim of both the conference and the publication was to focus less on specific key people or institutions, and instead foreground general tendencies within the history of musicology: from its beginning in the late 19th century until the time of publication, and with a scope also beyond the German- speaking world. Although this discussion itself was perhaps due sooner, the approach proved essential for considering the history of the musicological discipline as an object of study in itself. In light of the upcoming 100-year anniversary of the Institute of Musicology, Bern, which will take place in 2021, we now take the opportunity to once again reflect on these issues:

  • What is the current state of the history of musicology as a discipline?
  • How has the reflection on musicology changed current research as well as teaching contents?
  • Can musicology still be understood as a “delayed discipline”? »

Date limite de soumission : 1er février 2021.

Pour plus de détails, voir l’appel en ligne.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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