Appel de conférences – « 21st International Conference on Baroque Music » – 17 janvier 2025

Appel de conférences pour la « 21st International Conference on Baroque Music », Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Royaume-Uni, 16-20 juillet 2025.

« The organizing committee invites proposals for: 

  • Individual papers of 20 minutes in duration (followed by questions and discussion)
  • Lecture-recitals of 30 minutes in duration (followed by questions and discussion)
  • Themed and round-table sessions of 90 minutes in duration, including discussion
  • Poster presentations

Proposals in any area of Baroque music (c.1600–c.1750) are welcome. We plan to devote distinct strands to Bach and Handel, and therefore encourage submissions on both these composers and their contexts. All presentations must be given in English.
The committee actively wishes to encourage doctoral and early career researchers to participate. All doctoral students should include a letter of recommendation from their supervisor. »

Date limite de soumission : 17 janvier 2025.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

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