Colloque – « grounded. symposium » – 28-29 octobre 2024

Colloque « grounded: symposium », Université d’Oslo, 28-29 octobre 2024.

« This 2-day hybrid symposium hosted by the University of Oslo’s Department of Musicology explores garden-related notions of groundedness, soil, trails, reclamation, decomposition, and rewilding and considers such concepts’ relevance for critical approaches to the environmental humanities. Together we will examine how gardens enable alternative perspectives on human relationships to space and time, especially amidst ongoing anthropogenic climate change. Although western thought typically frames gardens as utopian spaces of reprieve, this yearning to convene with tidied assemblages of nonhuman nature reflects our sometimes hidden assumptions about beauty, valuing species, and nature-culture divisions. Gardens are worlds of multispecies encounter that offer olfactory, haptic, visual, and sonic contrast with their surrounding environments. They are also places of waste, decay, messiness, and dirt, and stimulate certain conceptual resonances with destructive human interventions into the earth like mining. »

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