Distinctions – Otto Mayer-Serra Award 2024 – 16 décembre 2024

Appel à candidatures pour le Otto Mayer-Serra Award 2024.

« The University of California, Riverside, and the Center for Iberian and Latin American Music (CILAM) sponsors the annual Otto Mayer-Serra Awards, given annually for the best-unpublished articles on any aspect of Iberian or Latin American Music in Spanish or Portuguese.  The Otto Mayer-Serra Prize for Music Research was established in 2008 by Instrumenta Oaxaca, Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas, Coordinación de Difusión Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, and Pauta. On this occasion, the Prize was awarded to Alejandro Vera, while Jessica Gottfried Hesketh, Gabriel Pareyón, and Miriam Laura Vázquez Montana received honorable mentions. In 2011, CILAM assumed responsibility for organizing it, with funding from the College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences at UCR. »

Date limite de soumission : 16 décembre 2024.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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