Appel à contributions – Bašćinski Reads. Ethnomusicological Yearbook of Southern Croatia – 15 mai 2024

Appel à contributions de la revue Bašćinski Reads. Ethnomusicological Yearbook of Southern Croatia

« The journal Bašćinski glasi is the only ethnomusicological journal in the Republic of Croatia. It is published by the Academy of Arts of the University of Split, and was founded in 1991 by Nikola Buble, an ethnomusicologist and long-time professor at the Academy of Arts. It has since been published continuously, for some time as a double issue; to date, more than 200 contributions have been published. Permanent sections are: scientific articles, reviews, presentations, analyses, abstracts and parts of doctoral dissertations thematically related to Croatian musical heritage. The topics of the articles are traditional, historical, archival and analytical in the field of humanities, but the journal is also open to articles from related fields of social sciences that have common ground in music culture. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 mai 2024.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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