Colloque – « Music and Dance Research in a Digital World’ » – 15 décembre 2023

 3e symposium de l’ICTMD Belgium, « Music and Dance Research in a Digital World », MEP | Institut royal supérieur de musique et de pédagogie & Projet Melchior, Namur, Belgique, 15 décembre 2023.

« Digital technologies have impacted the ways in which music and dance are learned, created, consumed, and researched. Those technologies transformed both the ‘field’ and the ‘work’ in ethnomusicological fieldwork. The use of digital media complements traditional learning and teaching methods, as well as the ways in which music communities are formed. Everchanging technologies offer both opportunities and challenges for capturing sound and movement. While these processes have been in place for decades, more recently, the rise of artificial intelligence further challenges our notions of what music is. 

During its third symposium, ICTM Belgium invites researchers, performers and teachers to address these topics and reflect on what it takes to research music and dance in the digital world. We aim to exchange ideas, experiences and questions on ethnomusicology in a digital world in traditional, popular, or classical repertoires from all over the world. »

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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