Appel de conférences – « Mu­sica Mer­cata. Fi­nance, Com­mod­ity and the Mu­sic In­dus­try from An­tiq­uity to the Pre­sent » – 30 septembre 2023

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Mu­sica Mer­cata. Fi­nance, Com­mod­ity and the Mu­sic In­dus­try from An­tiq­uity to the Pre­sent », Helsinki Music Centre, 5-7 juin 2024.

« The 7th Sibelius Academy Symposium on Music History provides the opportunity for music-history scholars all over the world to interrogate issues around finance, commodity and the music industry in the history of music from antiquity to the present and in all parts of the globe.

The financial condition of music has been recognised for as long as there have been studies of patronage in the music of the early-modern period or for as long as ‘opera’ has been regarded as both ‘an art and a business’. And while the domains of music publishing and the press have long been regarded as financially contingent, the 7th Sibelius Academy Symposium on Music History seeks to expand these concerns to include all types of agency related to music, commodity and finance across the globe, and all types of exchange: monetary, in-kind and reciprocal gifting. »

Date limite de soumission : 30 septembre 2023.

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