Appel de conférences – « Contrafact in the Middle Ages » – 25 juin 2023

Appel de conférences pour le colloque international et interdisciplinaire « Contrafact in the Middle Ages », Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, en ligne, 23-24 octobre 2023.

« This interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together researchers to explore the creation, use, and significance of contrafacta in musical life in the Middle Ages to widen our collective understanding of its prevalence and importance in medieval society. 

Contrafaction, the practice of adapting pre-existing melodies to new texts, was an integral part of medieval musical life. It featured heavily in both liturgical and secular musical soundscapes, and served as a conduit for cultural expression, religious devotion, and social commentary. In secular life, contrafacta allowed for the reinterpretation and contextualisation of popular songs, and within religious settings, the practice often facilitated the incorporation of vernacular languages and themes into liturgical life. The study of medieval contrafacta offers valuable insights into the complex interplay between religious piety, social commentary, and the literary and musical creativity of the Middle Ages. » 

Date limite de soumission : 25 juin 2023.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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