Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Instruments of Global Music Theory. A Symposium », Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 19-20 mai 2023.
« This symposium seeks to investigate musical instruments as a source for the historical study of music theory in a global context. While we think of musical instruments primarily in terms of music-making, in the context of theoretical inquiry instruments are tools of scientific experimentation critical to the process of knowledge acquisition. As Alexander Rehding has observed, instruments are epistemic conduits that both shape and reflect thoughts, ideas, and theories about fundamental aspects of music (“Instruments of Music Theory,” 2016). Instruments have taken center stage in music theories of different historical and geographical contexts:the monochord in the European West from antiquity into the early modern period, the ʿūd in Arabic-speaking lands since early ʿAbbāsid times, the lü or the qin in China, or the piano in the modern theory classroom are all audible embodiments of theoretical ideas about music, as well as keys to interpreting the musical systems in which they operate. »
Date limite de soumission : 31 décembre 2022.
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