Appel à contributions – Diderot Studies – 1er novembre 2022

Appel à contributions de la revue Diderot Studies, sur le thème « Voice and Sound in Diderot », sous la dir. de Deirdre Loughridge et Scott M. Sanders, 2024

« For a themed-issue of Diderot Studies, we invited contributions that examine voice and sound in Diderot’s works and cultural milieu. How might histories and theorizations of voice be different, taking Diderot’s thought into fuller account ? How might we understand Diderot differently, paying greater heed to the dynamics of sound ? We wish to bring together perspectives from multiple disciplines in order to address the complex operations of voice and sound in Diderot’s writings and the globally networked world in which he produced them. We invite proposals from a variety of scholars engaged with questions of voice and sound, including from the perspectives of literary studies, musicology, music theory, history of science, and media studies. Through the lens of Diderot, we ask contributors to reflect on such matters as: what and who has a voice (humans, animals, objects); the relationship between speaking or singing voices and their textual representations, virtual counterparts, or metaphorical extensions; the roles of voice, sound, and text in the circulation of ideas, feelings, commodities, etc. Please propose essays that explore the voice and sound in theater, opera, music, music theory, philosophy, literature or science. »

Date limite de soumission : 1er novembre 2022

Pour plus d’informations : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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