Appel à contributions – Array Journal – 30 juin 2022

Appel à contributions pour la revue Array Journal

« Computer music contains, by its very nature, the aspect of ‘space‘ in many different ways as it is an art form that relies on the reproduction of sound and was historically confined to (multiple) speakers situated in a physical performance space. However, ‘Space’ can invoke many other aspects, including the space music is created in (e.g. the studio or conceptual space in the composer’s mind); the space audible in the sound samples themselves; the audible space within a musical work the composers creates as part of the artistic vision (e.g. reverb, panning); the space the piece will ultimately be performed in; the superposition of these different spaces, real and/or imagined; virtual spaces and their relationship to real spaces and vice versa; etc. »

Date limite de soumission : 30 juin 2022

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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