Appel de conférences – « Participation. Interdisciplinary Musicology Conference » – 26 novembre 2021

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Participation. Interdisciplinary Musicology Conference », University of Edinburgh et en ligne, 8-10 juin 2022

« ‘Participation’ intersects both material and theoretical issues in music scholarship. Space carved out by Keil et al’s (1987, 1995) dialogic conceptualisation of musical participation has, over the past thirty years, been filled with empirical research into the actions and interactions through which music takes shape in performative social life and mind. The ongoing legacy of an extensive body of scientific music research – into expressive microtiming, co-ordination and joint action, for example – is now complemented by the most current views in cognition which accept that our comprehension of musical sound is shaped by participatory rather than individualistic processes. Participation suggests various situations of interaction, from events of (face-to-face and online) community, to encounters imagined in solitude. As a theme, Participation also highlights music’s integration into other domains of individual and social experience: Its compact with cultural and political identity (and the influence of such in educational contexts), its varied presentations through personal and technological expression, and its complex relationship with health and wellbeing. »

Date limite de soumission : 26 novembre 2021

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