Appel de conférences pour le colloque international « Transnational Perspectives on Music, Sound and (War) Propaganda (1914–1945) », Université Humboldt de Berlin, Université de Zurich, en ligne, 21-23 octobre 2021.
« This conference, convened by musicologists Diego Alonso and Steffen Just and historian Christian Koller, aims to examine the interwar soundscapes of political and ideological propaganda from a joint musicological and historiographical perspective. The conference seeks to address this topic also from critical perspectives with a focus on post-colonial, feminist, queer or class-sensitive analysis. Suggested themes include, but are not restricted to:
- Transnational performance practices and contexts
- Supranational musical repertoires (anthems and songs)
- Ideological discourses surrounding sound propaganda
- Aestheticization of sonic propaganda
- Political rituals and regional, national and transnational contexts of creation and reception
- Transatlantic transfers in the field of music and sonic propaganda
- Past and current theories of sonic warfare and sound propaganda
- Role of sound technology in transnational propaganda: gramophone recordings, radio, loudspeakers and sound systems, television »
Date limite de soumission : 15 juin 2021.
Pour plus de détails, voir l’appel en ligne.