Appel de conférences – « En Plein Air. Soundscapes of Ritual and Festivity in Europe and beyond from the Middle Ages to the Present » – 6 avril 2025

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « En Plein Air. Soundscapes of Ritual and Festivity in Europe and beyond from the Middle Ages to the Present », Università di Siena, Palazzo del Rettorato and Complesso Universitario di S. Francesco, 24-26 septembre 2025.

« Through a critical lens, it is crucial to address the power structures that underlie the organisation and use of public spaces: How do formal and informal power structures shape the construction and use of sound spaces for rituals and festivities? How do they influence the programming, organisation, and management decisions for these events? How are social hierarchies and power asymmetries reflected in the participation and representation of different social groups within these sonic spaces? How can access to these events be conditioned by factors such as class, gender, ethnicity, or religious affiliation? Consequently, issues of inequality and marginalisation in these contexts emerge as significant concerns. The conference aims to stimulate reflection on soundscapes in relation to spaces designated for rituals and festivities in Europe and worldwide, from the Middle Ages to the present. It specifically focuses on processions, civic and religious parades, diplomatic visits, and recurring festive occasions closely tied to the social and urban fabric, as expressions of communities. »

Date limite de soumission : 6 avril 2025.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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