Appel de conférences – GAMuT 2025 – 17 octobre 2024

Appel de conférences pour le 12e colloque annuel de la Graduate Association of Musicologists und Theorists (GAMuT), University of North Texas, Denton (TX), 1 février 2025.

« GAMuT (Graduate Association of Musicologists und Theorists) is a graduate student organization dedicated to providing a forum for the presentation of original research by its members. In addition, GAMuT provides professional development opportunities, offers a forum for discussion of matters relevant to the academic lives of its members, and serves as an organized liaison between students and faculty in the Division of Music History, Theory, and Ethnomusicology. Each year, GAMuT publishes a journal, Harmonia, that features papers written by graduate students, and hosts a graduate student conference.»

Date limite de soumission : 17 octobre 2024.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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