Appel à contributions – ReSounding Loss. Music, Grief, and Culture – 30 septembre 2024

Appel à contributions (chapitres) pour le projet ReSounding Loss. Music, Grief, and Culture, dirigé par Heather Sparling (Cape Breton University) et Andrea Shaheen Espinosa (Arizona State University).

« While grief is a universal human experience, expressions of grief vary by culture. Music is often interwoven with grief, and it may serve, for example, to express or process grief. Musical practices at times of loss and grief can also tell us much about cultural beliefs, values, ethics, and ideologies. However, grief literature is overwhelmingly produced from within the “psy-” disciplines, focusing on the psychological experience of grief, on the individual over the social, and on grief within the Global North. Therefore, we invite proposals for book chapters on music and grief, welcoming contributions from diverse disciplines with particular attention to the social and the cultural, as well as varied approaches to the study of cultures of music and grief. »

Date limite de soumission : 30 septembre 2024.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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