Appel à contributions – « Sounds in Times of War » – 31 janvier 2024

Appel à contributions de la revue Baltic Worlds pour le numéro « Sounds in Times of War. Popular Music, (Contentious) Politics and Social Change since Russia’s War on Ukraine », sous la dir. d’Anna Schwenck (Siegen University), Aleksej Tikhonov (UZH Zurich) et David-Emil Wickström (Popakademie Baden-Württemberg).

« The articles should discuss the significance of (popular) music, its role in political mobilization, its utilization as a tool of symbolic politics, as a means to express support or dissent. Not least, how does music function as a medium of identification and positioning in the context of the ongoing war? Central aspects of analyses are the sonic material, lyrics, the languages used in the lyrics (including code-switching), memes, the narratives told and the images shown in music videos as well as the interplay between these elements. Furthermore, this special issue scrutinizes intertextual references. How are songs reinterpreted in cover versions and remixes? In which ways have musical pieces including folkloric, Pre-Soviet and Soviet material been adapted or repurposed to convey messages that now align with political and mobilizational narratives about Russia’s war on Ukraine or Russia’s continued role as a regional power in the post-Soviet space? »

Date limite de soumission : 31 janvier 2024.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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