Appel de conférences – « Music, Musicology and Academic Responsibilities in the 21st Century » – 1 décembre 2023

Appel de conférences pour le colloque international « Music, Musicology and Academic Responsibilities in the 21st Century », Univ. College Dublin, 1-3 juillet 2023.

« This dichotomy between the duties of artists (as well as humanities scholars) and of private citizens indicates why the arts and humanities find themselves at a crossroads today. The moral turn of the last decade, the increased focus on sustainability, equity, diversity and inclusion as underpinning all academic work regardless of the discipline, the increasing polarisation of our society, the relativisation of truth as represented by the post-truth mentality, and neoliberal pressures leave the arts and humanities between a rock and a hard place. Thus, we all must continuously explore realignments of our duties as academics and citizens. Like every generation before us, we have to find new ways to understand and answer the challenge posed by Karl Marx’s (slightly adjusted) eleventh Feuerbach thesis, that our work should not merely describe and interpret the musical world in various ways but also help change it.

This conference shall try to find common ground between representatives of the various music-related areas and different roles of this debate. Our aim is to provide a platform for productive discussions while exploring strategic options to address the disparate forces that threaten the foundations of both academic discourse and societal cohesion. »

Date limite de soumission : 1 décembre 2023.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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