Appel de conférences (« Lightning Talks ») sur le thème « Oral Cultures in the History of Music Theory », Réunion annuelle conjointe AMS-SMT, Denver, 9-12 novembre 2023.
« Music theory tends to engage with written cultures, to the exclusion of oral traditions (and contexts where non-written modes of knowledge dissemination prevail). In a joint interest group meeting, the IGs for the Analysis of World Musics and the History of Music Theory will inquire into the overrepresentation of insights from written traditions in music-theoretical scholarship. We invite proposals for lightning talks to address this imbalance, its challenges, and possible avenues for future engagement. Presentations could also focus on elucidating oral music theory traditions. »
Date limite de soumission : 13 juillet 2023.
Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.