Appel de conférences pour la « Theorizing African American Music Preconference », Univ. of Colorado, Denver, 8 novembre 2023.
« “Theorizing African American Music Preconference” invites paper proposals of no more than 250 words. Each presenter will have a twenty-minute time slot consisting of a fifteen-minute paper and five minutes of Q&A on topics including but not limited to:
- African Americans in music theory.
- African American and African diasporic figures in classical music.
- African American opera.
- The history of racial exclusionism in the American academic study of music, how this exclusionism affected African American music, and how this music adapted as a result.
- Analytical approaches to specific pieces/works, expressions, or musical genres with roots in African Americanism.
- Musical genres with roots in African Americanism, such as blues, boogie-woogie, disco, doo- wop, funk, gospel, hiphop, jazz, Motown, ragtime, rap, rock, soul, among others.
- African American music’s reception in American music institutions.
- The intersection of African American musical traditions with other musics. »
Date limite de soumission : 30 juin 2023.
Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.