Nouvelle parution – Septet / The Carnival of the Animals R 122, 125

Nouvelle parution : Septet / The Carnival of the Animals R 122, 125, de Camille Saint-Saëns, une édition scientifique de Sabina Teller Ratner, Bärenreiter, 2022, LXXIX, 138 S.

« Both works included in this volume – “Septuor” op. 65 and “Le Carnaval des animaux” – lead a double life between chamber music and ensemble/orchestral music. Saint-Saëns wrote them originally as chamber music with only one musician to each string part, but already at the premiere of the “Septuor” the string quartet was doubled – much to the composer’s delight. The new critical edition brings this rarely used instrumentation back into memory. »

Cette publication est le fruit du travail réalisé par la cochercheuse OICRM Sabina Ratner grâce au soutien de l’Équipe de recherche sur la musique en France aux XIXe et XXe siècles.

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