Nouvelle parution – « Monuments of Seventeenth-Century Music », vol. 2

Vient de paraître : « Monuments of Seventeenth-Century Music, vol. 2: Anthology of Italian Instrumental Music », dernier volume de la Web Library of Seventeenth-Century Music (WLSCM, no 37).

« The Web Library of Seventeenth-Century Music (ISSN 2330-2429) is a service offered by the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music to its members and to the musical community at large. It presents new scholarly editions of seventeenth-century compositions that have remained unpublished or that are not available commercially.

WLSCM No. 37 presents:

  • the work of the Milanese nun Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (1602 – c.1677) in an edition that reconstructs the lost continuo part of her 1648 motet collection Scherzi di Sacra Melodia a voce sola based on music later published by Daniel Speer in his Philomela angelica (1688). Lucas Harris’s editorial work and continuo reconstruction is complemented by a detailed translation and guide for singers by John Pepper, and an introduction by Robert L. Kendrick.
  • a further twelve Sinfonia by Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1747) from his Op. 4 (1686) and Op. 6 (1687) edited by Thomas D. Dunn. »

Pour plus de détails sur la collection, cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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